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Just a Bit About Me

This entire endeavor is in honor of and dedicated to Mom and Dad who encouraged us from childhood to seek adventure, work hard with enthusiasm, give everything your all and seek and find the incredibly amazing beauty/wonders offered up by even the simplest things in life and nature. Applying that to photography, I capture the emotion in sports, the architectural beauty in real estate and the simple engaging sites of everyday life in street photography.

From flowers to beaches, to smiles on faces, fascinating street scenes, the thrill of watching athletes excel at their greatness to even a simple little grouchy looking crab found on the beach, there lies an amazing picture waiting to be taken to preserve that moment and allow us to reflect and enjoy it even after that moment in time is gone. 

So I hope each image brings you a smile, a positive emotion, and for a moment in time you can stop and enjoy the scene as I share with you the world seen through my lens, an incredible world that has been shaped by an amazing love of family, immeasurable blessings from God and a few rough enough struggles in life to make the good times shine even brighter. 


My heartfelt thanks to family and friends who have made it possible for me to travel with my cameras, mingle with the people I never imagined I would, and to experience what I have. I look forward to many more adventures ... and to sharing those with you.



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